Stevo Simple Boy and His Crazy Managers

Stevo Simple Boy and His Crazy Managers

Stevo Simple Boy is probably one of the luckiest artists around here. Now there’s been a lot to discuss today because of what he’s going through.


He changed management earlier this year after what many people saw was fault play. He was being mishandled and a lot of his money being lost.


New management came in and helped him relaunch a career that was headed in the mud. He rebuilt himself. Even came up with a clothing line and a drink.


By the way how’s the drink doing?


Now back to management. The Mombasa show was a shit show. Apparently management got paid but Stevo didn’t see any money. Man’s was waiting in the hotel and even failed to perform because he hadn’t seen cash.


Currently I’ve seen pictures he’s in Diani.


Kenyan management needs brains especially if you’re an artist. I’m not calling Stivo dumb but he’s gullible. This industry needs hyenas. You need to be an Apex predator to survive. Stivo is humble, that’s why.


Ask Nadia Mukami, ask Dakota Johnson. They were take advantage of early in their career and they stepped up to become predators.


Kenyan managers know you’re making money and immediately turn into poor beggars. Any cash that comes in they eat. They don’t understand that by building you as an artist they’re improving their job security.


Artists should pick people who know about the industry. People who have contacts. People who understand branding. People who understand business.


Not friends. Not mates. Not family members.


A manager is supposed to help you grow first. Hawa wa Kenya they just turn into blood sucking vampires.

About The Author

Bloga Flani

Writer, Content creator, Podcast Host (Straight Outta 254 Podcast).

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