CS Ababu Namwamba Condemns Threats to Healthcare Workers Calls for Accountability and Rebuilding Trust

CS Ababu Namwamba Condemns Threats to Healthcare Workers  Calls for Accountability and Rebuilding Trust

In response to a widely circulated video depicting a woman threatening nurses while invoking the name of a prominent politician, CS Ababu Namwamba has taken a firm stance, denouncing the incident and disassociating himself from the individual’s actions.


Emphasizing his commitment to public service, Namwamba expressed profound disdain for any form of intimidation or disrespect directed towards healthcare professionals.

He declared, “I unequivocally condemn any behavior that violates principles of integrity and professionalism.”


Assuring the public that the matter is currently under investigation, Namwamba promised swift action to address any wrongdoing.


Despite the unsettling incident, he affirmed his unwavering dedication to community service, pledging to rebuild trust through transparent procedures and corrective measures.


The politician underscored the importance of upholding values that resonate with the principles of integrity and professionalism.

The incident has not only prompted a response from Namwamba but has also drawn strong condemnation from the Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentists Union (KMPDU).


Dr. Davji Bhimji Atellah, the National Secretary-General of KMPDU, denounced the behavior as both illegal and immoral, emphasizing the creation of a hostile environment for healthcare workers dedicated to serving the communities.

Dr. Atellah demanded accountability for the perpetrators and urged a prioritization of the safety of healthcare professionals, highlighting the critical need to protect those committed to the well-being of society.

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