A list of 14 phrases that made 2022 memorable

A list of 14 phrases that made 2022 memorable

Kenyans on social media have used slogans that have gained popularity to make 2022 memorable.
Some of the phrases were spoken by politicians at political rallies, while others were inspired by popular videos, and some came as a result of new music.
As we end the year today, here’s a list of the phrases that made 2022 special:-

  1. Freshi barida
  2. Enda uskie vibaya na uko
  3. Hii imeenda
  4. Zoea hio sauti, zoea hio sauti
  5. Sipangwingwi
  6. Mapema ndio best
  7. We are moving away from this, hii haibambi
  8. Hio, ni uongo bana, hio ni uongoo…
  9. Sina maoni Mimi
  10. Kata Simi, kata simu tupo site
  11. Masaa ni machache mambo ndio mengi
  12. Murife don’t run don’t run, murife
  13. Kuoga na Kurudi soko
  14. Weeuh! – Kenyans tried to get this phrase into an English dictionary.

Feel free to drop a comment with your favourite slogan of the year or add any that we might have forgotten.
Happy new year 2023.

READ ALSO – https://chonjo.co.ke/stevo-simple-boy-and-his-crazy-managers/

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Ken is a Male blogger working with chonjo.co.ke to deliver fast, accurate and best curated African content to all readers within across Africa and the globe entire globe..

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