Mogul Musician Gidi Kocha Launches Multi Million Fashion &Beauty Shops.

Mogul Musician Gidi Kocha Launches Multi Million Fashion &Beauty Shops.

Regional artist and fitness trainer Gidi Kocha  is back on the headlines this time for a non related music issue ,just weeks after he ruffled feathers with his new song Mbona which according to music critics was an open worship of the devil.

However the singer chose to remain quite choosing to instead focus his interests on other ventures and his latest one is his multi million investment Gidi Kocha   fashion beauty & parlour   one that has his haters and admires talking and muting in equal measure.

The singer has been growing his business ventures  for quite sometime with his business tentacles spreading wide into fitness , music, automotive and now the fashion & beauty industry.

Morever , Gidi Kocha fashion beauty  comprises of over six shops  spread across  over two counties  in expensive and lavish sites , he has thus called for Kenyans to feel free to visit , shop and experience the whole feeling as they say beauty is a price and indeed his business has truly catered for .



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