Cham Wadu: Homa Bay Launches Local Condoms

Cham Wadu: Homa Bay Launches Local Condoms

Homabay County has got people talking with what appears as to locally manufactured condoms. According to pictures circulating on social media, the county has been accredited as being behind the “Cham Wadu” condoms.


According to a few social media users, Governor Gladys Wanga seems to be doing more for the county. The Governor is reported to have introduced the new product among other projects that she has already began doing.

First, it was the Mokwa Maize and now the county is proud to introduce albeit another important product.

The below tweet by a user named Peter sums up what Honorable Wanga is doing for the county.

“HOMA BAY Shining… Gladys Wanga to bende… First it was MOKWA Maize Flour… and now this… Ati Buy Luo Build Luo “Cham Wadu“ Condoms now available! Asego Shining… Need to visit for benchmarking for Ayakoshire…”

This move will help the already dwindling economy promote more local industries. Kenya has always struggled with local manufacturing but this move can help catapult manufacturers into getting motivation.

The Homa Bay citizens must be proud if the reports are anything to go buy.

Buy Kenya Build Kenya.

What do you think of this new product?

About The Author

Bloga Flani

Writer, Content creator, Podcast Host (Straight Outta 254 Podcast).

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