Pritty Vishy Unveils Relationship Turmoil Stevo Simple Boy’s Alleged Infidelity and Wife’s Shocking Revelations

Pritty Vishy Unveils Relationship Turmoil  Stevo Simple Boy’s Alleged Infidelity and Wife’s Shocking Revelations

Allegations are swirling around the rapper Stevo Simple Boy, suggesting that his wife, Grace Atieno, has children with another man. Content producer Purity Vishenwa, widely known as Pritty Vishy, seized the opportunity to mock her ex-boyfriend amid these rumors, shedding light on the apparent troubles in his marriage.

Responding to the speculations, Pritty Vishy hinted at prior knowledge of the dramas unfolding in Stevo’s marriage. She took to her Instagram account on Tuesday morning, stating,

“Shawrry of pain knew firsthand, not that I follow the life of my ex, but because he is close to my friend. Yooh, things are worse not what you think.”

Pritty Vishy went on to reveal the alleged sequence of events, from accusations of infidelity to claims that Stevo cheated on her with Grace, who is now accused of being unfaithful and pregnant by another man.

The 22-year-old beauty asserted that Grace initially pursued Stevo for financial reasons but later realized the reality was not as she had imagined.

According to Pritty, Stevo’s wife believed another man had substantial wealth and decided to leave Pritty for him, only to discover the inadequacies in his management skills.

Pritty accused Stevo of lacking a proper plan B, leaving his wife dissatisfied and seeking fulfillment elsewhere.

Continuing her exposé, Pritty Vishy accused Grace of infidelity, suggesting that she resorted to cheating on Stevo with another man due to financial dissatisfaction. Furthermore, she claimed that Stevo uncovered the truth about his wife’s pregnancy not being his own after careful calculations.

These revelations from Pritty Vishy have added fuel to the already blazing rumors surrounding Stevo Simple Boy’s personal life, creating a stir on social media and leaving fans eager for more details on this unfolding saga.

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