Musalia Mudavadi Claims Ksh4 Billion Networth

Musalia Mudavadi Claims Ksh4 Billion Networth

While being vetted for the Principal Cabinet Secretary role, Amani National Congress leader Musalia Mudavadi laid it all bare for Kenyans. In the vetting that was held on Monday, October 17, the ANC leader revealed that he had a net worth of Ksh4 billion.

Musalia was appearing before the vetting committee that included close ally and current speaker of the National Government Moses Wetangula. He reported that the figure he had given was the correct evaluation of what he owned.

Others on the chopping board who had the same revelations were former MP Aden Duale who has been nominated for the Defence Cabinet Secretary position. Duale noted tha he had slightly over Ksh800 million as his net worth.

He also claimed that he owned over 230 camels and a number of goats on his property back in his Garissa Township constituence.

The Cabinet Secretary vetting kicked off on Monday, with various positions being put up for debate. The Principal Cabinet Secretary position faced a lot of criticism with some MPs saying that it was a made up post.

Musalia, who is the nominee for the same post, had a hard time defending himself from the various committee members who asked questions on the same.

About The Author

Bloga Flani

Writer, Content creator, Podcast Host (Straight Outta 254 Podcast).

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