Mombasa Leaders Slam LGBTQ Discussions

Mombasa Leaders Slam LGBTQ Discussions

Coastal leaders led by Nyali MP Mohammed Ali and Likoni MP Mishi Mboko have come out guns blazing against the LGBTQ movements. Tweeting on Thursday, January 12, Mishi Mboko slammed any topic related to the community.

Mishi Mboko tweeted, “LGBTQ should not be entertained in our country anymore!!.”

When she was questioned on the issue she went ahead to defend herself with facts.

“What could be the reason why God created a man and from him he created a woman so that they can pair and fill the world now evil forces are trying to change God’s scrip. Washindwe!

We aren’t advocating for the killing of LGBTQIA but we can’t entertain their agenda in our county” she explained.

This came a day after Mohammed Ali had also spoken on the issue.

“Let us not waste time discussing LQBTQ or whatever name they call it. It’s illegal, God doesn’t like it and we should not entertain it. On this one Democracy my foot! Jail them” Moha said.

The Nyali MP called out those who were discussing the issue calling it lame.

This comes after the chilling murder of the LGBTQ community Edwin Chiloba last weekend in Eldoret. There were various reactions to the murder with the community feeling targeted.

However, the case was later found to have been a normal cheating scandal that escalated into the gruesome murder.

About The Author

Bloga Flani

Writer, Content creator, Podcast Host (Straight Outta 254 Podcast).

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