Kabarak University Facebook Hacker Promises to Go After Raila and Ruto’s Pages

Kabarak University Facebook Hacker Promises to Go After Raila and Ruto’s Pages

Kabarak University is not the last stop its social media hacker plans to stay. According to the page, the hacker has promised to go after prominent figures in the country. Posting on his own account On Monday, May 8, Pukkta Media, as his official account suggests plans to try and hack Azimio leader Raila Odinga and the current president William Ruto’s accounts.

In a post he shared, he asked,” Between Raila Odinga & William Samoei Ruto which page should we hack next??” Kenyans as usual had their various suggestions with some supporting the move. Below are some of the comments made on the post:

Pukkta Media, alleged hacker of the Facebook page

Kipngeno Ck : Puktta Media hack raila plz do fast man.


Kp Amon

And the government of Kenya is seriously looking at it without saying anything!!!!I think rutto may call the government of Japan and this guy must be arrested.

Savala Abel

Raila Odinga 😂😂😂to stop demonstration and concentrate to return back a/c and he’s very rich than Ruto

Kiptoo Kevin

This account of yours is even fake!! You have no power or skills to hack into accounts and pages its only that whoever hacked the university page is a student from the same institution who had the account details 🥴I repeat,you’re not a HACKER!!
Most Kenyans seemed to laugh off the idea that the hacker was capable of hacking senior government officials.

About The Author

Bloga Flani

Writer, Content creator, Podcast Host (Straight Outta 254 Podcast). agesa31@gmail.com.

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