Empowering Women and Girls in Makoboki: Farmer on Fire’s Sustainable Menstrual Support Initiative

Empowering Women and Girls in Makoboki: Farmer on Fire’s Sustainable Menstrual Support Initiative


Farmer on Fire, in collaboration with Global Citizen and The Period Company, has embarked on a remarkable initiative to provide essential support to women and girls in Makoboki Tea Factory, ensuring that they do not miss work or school due to menstruation. The partnership aims to alleviate the financial burden faced by women in low-income areas who are disproportionately affected by rising inflation.

Farmer on Fire Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Wangari Kuria, is at the forefront of this noble endeavor, striving to make a meaningful impact in the lives of the vulnerable and often forgotten women and girls in this community.

Wangari Kuria, the visionary leader behind Farmer on Fire, stated, “We want to reduce the financial burden of women in low-income areas who are hard hit by high inflation. They do not have to dig into their economically strained pockets to manage their monthly periods.”

The program has brought smiles to the faces of these women, making them feel seen and accepted in a society where they are often marginalized.

One of the program’s beneficiaries, Mary Wambui, a mother of two physically disabled daughters, expressed her gratitude, saying, “We are grateful to Farmer on Fire and her partners for thinking about us.

I have two physically disabled young daughters, and managing their monthly periods is tasking. This product will go a long way towards making sure that my daughters’ private parts are dry and infection-free.”

Margaret Ouma, another beneficiary, highlighted the practicality of the reusable undergarments.

She shared, “During the ‘oops’ days, I can have more hours to pick more tea leaves, which will raise my income to be able to take care of my three children. Instead of worrying and changing the cotton nappies and frequent runs to the hospital due to flare-ups.”

In addition to supporting women in the workforce, the program also extends its reach to girls at Makoboki Primary School. The initiative includes educational sessions that teach these young girls about their reproductive cycles and how to manage menstruation hygienically.

This holistic approach aims to address the root causes of girls missing or dropping out of school, which often result from a lack of understanding and access to proper menstrual hygiene management.

The Deputy Principal of Makoboki Primary School expressed their gratitude, stating, “We are very grateful for choosing our school as your inaugural philanthropy, and even for taking your time to encourage our students to venture into agriculture as a career. The pupils go through a lot of challenges, and this donation goes a long way in building their confidence.”

Moreover, the introduction of reusable pants as part of this initiative aligns with the growing concern of climate change. Traditional sanitary towels are challenging to dispose of, contributing to environmental pollution.

By offering a more sustainable and carbon-safe alternative that is washable, this initiative contributes to the global effort to address climate change issues.

In Kenya, menstrual hygiene products are often expensive and difficult to obtain, resulting in numerous challenges for girls and women, including compromised education, health issues, and social pressures.

Farmer on Fire’s partnership addresses these pressing issues, striving to create a brighter future for the women and girls of Makoboki.

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