It’s The End Of The Road For Over 25! YouTubers Announce  Split After 7 Years

It’s The End Of The Road For Over 25! YouTubers Announce  Split After 7 Years

It’s The End Of The Road For Over 25! YouTubers Announce  Split After 25 Year

Kenyan female content creators, Jules, Lornzie, Ivy, and Shikie, who formed the popular YouTube channel “Over 25,” have announced their split after a successful seven-year journey.

The creators sat down for a 55 min last ride to recap their time together and announced that it would be their last episode as a group.

While they did not rule out the possibility of reuniting in the distant future, the creators stated that it was time for them to focus on themselves individually.

During the video, the creators did not go into specifics about their split, leaving some social media users to speculate.

However, the four friends shared that a lot had changed in the time they had been together, including marriages, babies, career changes, break-ups, make-ups, graduations, birthdays, and even final goodbyes. As happens with many things in life, sometimes you need to pause and regroup.

They encouraged their fans to consider purchasing the final round of their merchandise while stocks last, as they venture into new paths.

Although the four friends have had their personal growth over time with each of them finding their own personal niche, their fans believe that they will be just fine despite their split.

The announcement of their split may have come as a surprise to many, but the creators have had a successful run as a group.

They have amassed a large following, with their YouTube channel boasting over 100k subscribers, and have ventured into merchandise, showing their entrepreneurial spirit.

The split has highlighted the importance of personal growth and how it can lead to new opportunities. As individuals, the creators have grown and evolved, and it is natural for them to move in different directions.

It is a reminder that change is inevitable, and sometimes, you need to take a step back to regroup and reassess your goals.

The creators’ journey has been an inspiration to many, and their decision to split shows their maturity and willingness to embrace change.

As they move forward into new paths, they have left their mark on the YouTube community, and their fans will continue to support them in their individual pursuits.

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