Former Mungiki Leader Maina Njenga Condemns Government’s Alleged Targeting of Kikuyu Youths Calls for Focus on Cost of Living Amidst Rising Tension

Former Mungiki Leader Maina Njenga Condemns Government’s Alleged Targeting of Kikuyu Youths Calls for Focus on Cost of Living Amidst Rising Tension

Former Mungiki leader Maina Njenga has strongly criticized the government, accusing it of harassing and wrongfully arresting innocent Kikuyu youths.


In a press briefing on January 1, Njenga specifically pointed fingers at Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua, alleging that he was turning against the youth who had supported the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) in the recent elections.


During the briefing, Njenga expressed deep concern over what he perceives as Gachagua’s strategy of pitting the youth against police brutality, potentially leading to the community’s extinction. He emphasized the irony of a Kikuyu leader using state machinery to criminalize the very people who had backed him in the 2022 general election.


Njenga raised questions about the timing and labeling of jobless, hopeless, and disgruntled individuals as members of Mungiki, suggesting ulterior motives.


Njenga urged the government to prioritize addressing the high cost of living rather than targeting innocent youths. He dismissed claims of being in hiding and denied organizing an end-of-year rally at Kabiru-Ini, attributing the gathering to youths planning to celebrate the New Year.


He emphasized the lack of notice issued to the public or police regarding the alleged meeting, asserting that the arrested youths were simply going about their usual activities.

Maina Njenga accuses Dp Gachagua for arresting innocent youths in Nyeri.

Highlighting the challenges faced by the arrested youth, Njenga argued that they were victims of unfulfilled promises by the Kenya Kwanza administration. He called for a focus on reducing the cost of living and a halt to the criminalization of Kikuyu youth, linking their plight to broken promises and economic struggles.



The situation escalated on New Year’s eve when the police conducted a major crackdown against Mungiki in Nyeri, apprehending at least 250 suspected members of the outlawed sect. The arrests, spanning various counties, were made on grounds of possession of paraphernalia associated with the banned group.


Additionally, in Mukurwe wa Nyagathanga, Murang’a county, 23 individuals were found with knives and suspicious items believed to be used for administering illegal oaths, further escalating tensions in the region.

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