Eric Omondi denies Stevo Simple Boy cruel allegations

Eric Omondi denies Stevo Simple Boy cruel allegations

Rapper Stevo Simple Boy was allegedly unpaid by the event’s organizers after comedian Eric Omondi allegedly failed to pay him during an event in Mombasa.

In his social media posts, Eric claimed that he did his part, noting that everyone had been paid and even that he was certain Simple Boy had been taken care of, only to learn otherwise at the last minute.

“For me, I did my part, I spoke to Ruger’s people and they were to be paid and in fact everybody was paid including Ruger, Nodvu Kuu, Kusa and all the DJs. All along I knew Stevo had been paid only for the managers to tell me he was not when I called him to come on stage,”

Eric was perplexed as to why Simple Boy’s management had permitted him to travel all the way from Nairobi without receiving even a single cent.
The comedian claimed that despite receiving no compensation from the event organizers, the team that accompanied Stevo Simple Boy also ate and drank items worth Sh84,000.

The rapper could not perform without an advance, according to Simple Boy’s management.

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Ken is a Male blogger working with to deliver fast, accurate and best curated African content to all readers within across Africa and the globe entire globe..

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