Why Tanzanian Singer Ray C is Trending On Twitter In Kenya

Why Tanzanian Singer Ray C is Trending On Twitter In Kenya

Kenyan Twitter users have taken to the platform to show their admiration for Tanzanian musician, Ray C. They have been praising her for being the “baddest” female musician to come out of Tanzania.

Singer Ray C

Singer Ray CPhoto : Ray C Instagram 

Some users have noted that Ray C was considered a “baddie” before the term became popular. Her music was known for its soothing effect on the hearts of her fans, particularly her love songs.

Twitter reactions to Ray C’s Career in music

Unfortunately, Ray C’s career took a downward turn when she began associating with bad company and started abusing drugs. She was in and out of rehab centers several times before eventually relocating.

Despite these challenges, Ray C has managed to turn her life around in recent years. She has been living with the love of her life in France and has recently welcomed her first child.

Rays C's Son

 Rays C’s Son

The singer took to her Instagram page to share the news of her baby’s arrival, posting a photo of her newborn with the caption “NAITWA MAMA SHA RUKH” (My name is Mama Sha Rukh) along with the hashtag “Thank you God” and adding “New mom in Paris”.

Shah Rukh Khan is a super famous Indian actor who many refer to as “Baadshah of Bollywood” or “King Khan” having appeared in more than 90 Indian blockbusters.

He is Ray C’s favourite actor and she has often taken photos with his wax figures while in Paris and that’s probably the reason she decided to make her child after the famous actor.

Her fans were quick to send her congratulatory messages, despite the fact that she has not yet revealed the face of her newborn.

Overall, it is heartwarming to see that Ray C has been able to overcome her challenges and start a new chapter in her life.

Her fans continue to support her and are excited to see what the future holds for the talented musician, with unlimited praises of how she changed the face of music in East Africa.


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