Uongozi Bora ! Vocal Singer Pamela Wandera Beckons For Kenyans To Make Wise Electoral Decisions On Her New Societal Song. 

Uongozi Bora ! Vocal Singer Pamela Wandera Beckons For Kenyans To Make Wise Electoral Decisions On Her New Societal Song. 

Kenyan songstress Pamela Wandera has dropped her new song calling for Kenyans to be hawked eyes with the decisions that they make on the ballot in the upcoming general elections slated for this coming month.



The songstress has been at the forefront of playing an integral role in using her craft to be a mirror to society by addressing issues that a normal Kenya experiences in the day-to-day hustle and bustle.


This can be witnessed in songs like Akina mama which she premiered not long ago, an outstanding song where she advocates for women’s empowerment in both political, economic, and social aspects.





Her new music project Uongozi Bora is a song composed in Swahili which translates to Good leadership, which follows the mellow singer as she calls for Kenyans to make Solomonic decisions when electing leaders.


She goes on to remind her fellow compatriots that it’s only by good leadership that our county can flourish, and this, in turn, leads to a good standard of living, and if the leaders prove it with actions they should always feel free to come back and ask for more terms as the work will speak for itself.

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