How DJ Stonefab Met with Sierra Leonean Rapper Speedo’o

How DJ Stonefab Met with Sierra Leonean Rapper Speedo’o

Chezaa Africa CEO DJ Stonefab is one of many talents at least by what Sierra Leonean rapper Speedo’o confessed. The rapper profoundly known for his lyrical prowess and fast rapping style of music was recorded on Dj Stonefab’s Instagram account speaking on how he met Stonefab.

“Before he reached out to me, he already knew what I wanted. He is good at his work,” Speedo’o started off. He continued how DJ Stonefab reached out and wanted to work together on a cypher.

“When reached out to me he was like ‘we need to work on something, I want you to get on a cypher’ I was like okay, talk to my big brother Iano from the States, he’s my manager,” Speedo’o said.

The rapper talked about how he was taken through everything that Stonefab wanted of him and was even offered a marketing and distribution deal through Chezaa Africa.

“He sent me the beat and we worked on the beat and he also said he was doing marketing, distribution of songs. I told him to send me the links so I would check him out,” Speedo’o commented.

Speedo’o noted that he checked out the links and realized that the person he was talking to was legit. “I checked the links and saw that he was the right person to work with,” he chimed.

The rapper continued by saying that he knew the reaching out from Stonefab was not just for music but there was something more.

“By that time I knew that Stone reached out to me not just because of songs but like to help my music grow. He saw something in me, he believes in me. He understands that this is not about the money but like yoh, I need to help this brother,” Speedo’o narrated.

Speedo’o also sent his shout outs to Stonefab affirming that he was thankful for the opportunity. ” We need to have these kinds of people. People who look at talent and just reach out to you and make your talent to be something else that you would not expect,” he mentioned.

The Sierra Leonean said that the belief and trust in talent was one of the things that encouraged him to work with DJ Stonefab when he reached out.


Below is the Instagram video for the interview

About The Author

Bloga Flani

Writer, Content creator, Podcast Host (Straight Outta 254 Podcast).

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