University of Eldoret student Kills his girlfriend over relationship issues

University of Eldoret student Kills his girlfriend over relationship issues

Gender-based violence has become an alarming issue in Kenya, and the recent cases in Kamakis where a local chef by the name Morris Njuguna killed his ‘come we stay’ girlfriend and co-worker over unknown issues, before dumping her lifeless body stuffed in a sack at a neighboring flat, before being apprehended by the police. While that was happening, another man in Kitengela named Patrick Kioko was getting ready to commit the same heinous act.

Patrick, an employee at a pizza place, while off, came to work and stabbed his ex-girlfriend for dumping him five months prior. Patrick said he was upset that she had started dating their boss and jealousy got the best of him. He was ascended on with kicks and blows by clients only to be saved by the police who took him to hospital.

The recent gender-based cases have sent shock waves throughout the country. The latest incident involves a University of Eldoret student who allegedly killed his girlfriend after a heated argument. The couple had been indoors for four days trying to solve their issues, but it ended in tragedy.

The news of the murder of Stacy Chemutai spread quickly, and social media was awash with messages of condolences and anger towards the perpetrator. People were outraged that someone could take another person’s life in such a brutal manner, especially someone they had claimed to love.

The police are said to have arrived at the scene of the crime shortly after the incident was reported, and they found the suspect lying next to his girlfriend’s lifeless body. He had turned the knife on himself in a failed suicide attempt. The young man was rushed to the hospital in a critical condition, where he was placed under police guard.

As news of the tragedy spread, people began questioning the root cause of gender-based violence in Kenya. Some blame the education system, which they claim is failing to instill the values of respect, empathy, and communication in young people. Others are pointing to the toxic masculinity that is prevalent in Kenyan society, where men are taught to view women as inferior and to use violence to solve problems.
The tragedy of Stacy’s murder has highlighted the urgent need for action to prevent gender-based violence in Kenya.

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