There’s Friendzone. Then There’s Total Embarrassment.

There’s Friendzone. Then There’s Total Embarrassment.

Have you ever been totally embarrassed? Like just completely eviscerated in the love game? I found one person who beats all your most heartbreaking experiences in love.

There’s this guy I knew, a good guy by the name of James. He lived in Ruaka at that time and we used to meet in town to go to Kenya National Theatre for drama rehearsals. He was brilliant. He loved art and music, that is why we became friends in the first place.

One day he sat me down on those benches outside the theatre and told me his experience with women and why he did not date much.

James liked this woman by the name of Stacy and the two had begun talking on the phone. She had met her on the University of Nairobi and asked for her number. She gave it to him and they talked for 3 weeks.

I thought that was a long time to be talking to someone before making a move. He liked to take things slow as he told me. He really liked this girl and was not going to rush into anything.

He finally gathered the courage to ask her out to a movie date. Avengers Endgame movie had come out and James thought it would be an awesome experience to take Stacy out to a movie at the Nairobi Cinema. He was a huge comics fan.

He called Stacy and asked her where he could pick her up so they would head to town. Stacy told her that she would pick her up. She mentioned she had a car.

James started freaking out because he never thought he was talking to a girl that had a car. He waited in Ruaka as Stacy asked for directions to his place. She showed up.

In the driver’s seat, a man sat there but did not come out to say hi to James. Stacy called him to the car and he sat in the backseat. Stacy and the strange man sat in the front.

When they got to Nairobi cinema, James was relieved that the awkward silence on the whole journey was finally over. As he got out of the car, he saw the man hand Stacy some cash and told her it’s for the two of them.

She turned to the man, gave him a peck on the cheek and joined James. James was confused on who the man was and decided to ask. Stacy confessed that the man was her boyfriend.

James felt his nuts go back into his stomach. “I’m pretty sure this movie is going to be awesome,” Stacy smiled as she held his arm into the cinema.

He later told me that the moment Captain America summoned Thor’s hammer and everyone was lost in the noise of excitement, he snuck out and never went back into the cinema.

About The Author

Bloga Flani

Writer, Content creator, Podcast Host (Straight Outta 254 Podcast).

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