Meet Gospel Artist Calebes As He Shares His Inspiring Music Journey.

Meet Gospel Artist Calebes As He Shares His Inspiring Music Journey.

Who is calebes.?

“My name is Caleb Simiyu Lusheh.

Born and raised in a family of six children in Kitale I being the 1st born.

Born and raised in a Godly family.

I have always loved music since I was young it’s a natural thing in me. I started playing piano in church at

a teenage age. I used to sing if the school set pieces, participated in school bands with many certificates to

the national levels.

I studied music in primary school, secondary school with a very sharp understanding

of deep musical curriculum and even was invited to pursue music by the Kenyatta university music

Department, did their interviews and passed then received my letter to join KU for adegree in music but

my parents changed their minds on that and suggested I do education which I did for 4 years.

Since education was not my thing, I latter joined Shangtao Media Arts College and pursued my studies in

multimedia and it’s what I am doing upto now as my main profession.


I am a deeper analysit of music and I can be a good judge when it comes to good music (production wise

and even vocal wise).

My passion for music has never gone away, I have been writing my own songs in my song book since

many years ago. .The passion for music has enabled me to meet and make friendship with great producers

like R-kay, Gerrishom, Cobby Dollar from Ghana, Ihaji, Jacky B, Alexis on the beat, Mastola Music and

many more.

I write songs that inspire people’s lives in a Godly way. i.e my songs blend real life with Godly life.

I have been recording songs 1 by 1 and so far I have almost like 8 recorded songs but my plan is to shoot

and release 1 by 1 after some time


Why did you choose the name Calebes

Calebes is just a combination of my 2 names Caleb and Simiyu but I decided to add an e after

Caleb to join with S for Simiyu.

Where do you draw your inspiration and why you choose to do gospel music

Life is spiritual and that means everything is controlled spiritually.

I therefore write my music based on the true spirit of GOD and the word of God in relation to

real life thus leading to Godly inspiring songs.

Many of the songs I write are based on factual true life that we live or go through as human

beings in relation to the universal controller who is God.

Plans for the game in the gospel

To release more inspiring songs that gives hope and transforms lives towards positivity”

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