Gospel Songstress Tabby Heaven Releases Soul Illuminating Tune “NURU”,

Gospel Songstress Tabby Heaven Releases Soul Illuminating Tune “NURU”,

Tabby Heaven is a gospel artist, also a second year student at Laikipia University pursuing comm & media. Music has not only been a passion but also a calling. “At early stages, the spirit of music pushed me to join small choir and dance groups at our local church. Back then, I just sang for fun not knowing it was something more than that. My highschool days were the most beautiful moments of my life since I had joined the CU club that absolutely did more than talent nurturing”, Tabby stated. 


“What inspires me the most is the urge to bring something new and remarkable to people’s lives, coupled with the desire to push music to high levels. I recorded my first song by the name ‘I Praise’ during my first year course. The song was well received by friends, my fellow students and my family”, she continued. 


Tabby acknowledges the fact that this first release motivated  her the most, until the release of ‘NURU‘, her latest song at hand now. Taby looks forward to delighting and blessing fans with more amazing releases as the Spirit desires.


“Nuru” is a captivating track, soon to be gospel hit that wonderfully explores receiving the divine light of Jesus Christ in our lives. The soul-stirring song carries an uplifting and encouraging message that resonates with Christians. 


The lyrics somewhat flaunt profound wisdom while conveying a message of redemption, hope, as well as spiritual awakening. From the lyrics, Tabby says, “panguza machozi mama… nuru yako imekuja…” The chorus is a strong reminder of the enduring and illuminating presence of light in our lives, even in the darkest of times. 


Tabby uses an upbeat melody to touch her audience. The brilliant instrumentation coupled with her energy throughout the song creates an aura of praise to the Most High. With a gradual crescendo that perfectly mimics the transition from darkness to the light, Tabby manages to bring her audience to a point of genuine connection to their creator. 


Nuru” is a musical gem that knows no religious boundaries. It reminds us all that no matter he situation, there is always a path that leads to illumination. Tabby does an incredible job in leaving her audience with the enduring power of light and illumination!





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