Fathermoh and Ssaru trending song “Kaskie Vibaya” hits over 100k views on YouTube

Fathermoh and Ssaru trending song “Kaskie Vibaya” hits over 100k views on YouTube

In recent years, the music industry in Kenya has witnessed a significant transformation, with the emergence of new genres like Gengetone taking the country by storm.

Among the leading Gengetone songs that are dominating the airwaves in Kenya and Africa is “Kaskie Vibaya” by Fathermoh and Ssaru. The song has recently hit over 100K views on YouTube, cementing its position as a fan favorite and a chart-topper.

Fathermoh and Ssaru are both talented and lyrical rappers who have been making waves in the Kenyan music scene for some time now. Fathermoh, who is signed under Black Market Records, is known for his distinctive voice and exceptional talent in crafting catchy and relatable lyrics.

He has been behind hit songs like “Miondoko,” “Shamra Shamra,” and “Dai Dai,” which have all received massive airplay and topped charts in Kenya.

Ssaru, on the other hand, is a rising star in the Kenyan music industry. Her unique blend of rap and hip-hop has earned her a loyal following, and her exceptional lyrical prowess has caught the attention of music lovers and critics alike.

Her collaborations with other artists, including Fathermoh, have further propelled her into the limelight, making her a force to reckon with in the industry.

“Kaskie Vibaya” is a perfect example of the lyrical and musical talent of Fathermoh and Ssaru. The song is an upbeat and catchy tune that features a mix of Swahili and Sheng, which is a local Kenyan slang.

The lyrics are relatable and speak to the everyday struggles and experiences of Kenyan youth, which has contributed to its widespread popularity.

The song’s success has not come as a surprise, given the exceptional talent of the artists behind it. Moreover, the song’s upbeat and catchy tune has made it a favorite among party-goers and clubbers, further boosting its popularity.

As “Kaskie Vibaya” continues to gain momentum and more views on YouTube, it’s clear that Fathermoh and Ssaru are not slowing down any time soon.

Their collaboration on this song has proven that they are not only talented but also a force to reckon with in the Kenyan music scene. With more anticipated views and streams, the song is set to take the music industry by storm, both in Kenya and beyond.

In conclusion, “Kaskie Vibaya” is a testament to the exceptional talent and creativity of Fathermoh and Ssaru. The song’s success is well-deserved, and it’s clear that the artists behind it are destined for greater things in the Kenyan music industry.

Music lovers and fans can expect more from these two talented artists in the future as they continue to dominate the Kenyan music scene and beyond.

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Ken is a Male blogger working with chonjo.co.ke to deliver fast, accurate and best curated African content to all readers within across Africa and the globe entire globe..

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