Swat Matire, Fathermoh and Shekina Karen song “Bad Girl” trending top #10 on YouTube

Swat Matire, Fathermoh and Shekina Karen song “Bad Girl” trending top #10 on YouTube

Swat Matire’s latest release, “Bad Girl,” featuring Shekina Karen and Fathermoh of Mbuzi Gang, is taking the music world by storm.

This crowd-moving track has quickly become a sensation, with thousands of TikTok challenges and a visually captivating music video that keeps viewers hooked.

The song’s infectious beats and catchy melodies, combined with its thought-provoking narrative about young love and relationships, make it both entertaining and educational.

It’s no wonder that “Bad Girl” is trending in the top 50 on YouTube, with views skyrocketing at a rapid pace.

This exceptional collaboration between Swat Matire, Shekina Karen, and Fathermoh has struck a chord with audiences, solidifying their position as rising stars in the music industry.

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Ken is a Male blogger working with chonjo.co.ke to deliver fast, accurate and best curated African content to all readers within across Africa and the globe entire globe..

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