List of Black Market Records latest songs with over 1 million views on YouTube

List of Black Market Records latest songs with over 1 million views on YouTube

Black Market Records is profoundly known for the tendency of bringing out super talented artists, their number of hit songs are uncountable. So today we just breaking down a few songs that recently got to past 1 million views on YouTube.

Kuna Kuna
This is one of the most streamed song in Africa as well as globally, it features Vic West, Savara, Brandy Maina, Fathermoh and Thee Exit Band. Kuna Kuna is a catchy tune with sing along chorus, now trending at over 13 Million views on YouTube.

Mbuzi Gang teamed up with Rico Gang to give us a taste of something new, the duo surprised their fans with the now trending song on TikTok. It’s has 1.9 million views on YouTube and still counting.

Dai Dai
One of the best lyrical songs from Black Market Records, both Shekina Karen and Fathermoh joined forces to showcase their lyrical prowess. It’s reading 2 million views and the rate at which it’s growing it’s anticipated to gain more viewership soon.

Numbers don’t lie, and the Exray song “Usherati,” which stars Ndovu Kuu and the famous Mejja Okwonko, is shattering records as the song with the greatest social media buzz and the song with the most YouTube views (more than 3 million).

Naskia Wah
With over 1 million views since its YouTube debut, “Naskia Wah” by Boondocks and Ethic Gangs is the most searched-about song of the year.

Sipangwingwi by Exray, starring Trio Mio and Ssaru, became popular online and is still available on YouTube. With over 8 million views on YouTube as of right now, the song’s reach has well outpaced the anticipated amount of traction.

Overally there has a long list if hit songs from Black Market Records and we will continue to update this list as time goes by.

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Ken is a Male blogger working with to deliver fast, accurate and best curated African content to all readers within across Africa and the globe entire globe..

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