Disbelief As Kenyan Artist Gidi Kocha Releases Song Praising The Devil.

Disbelief As Kenyan Artist Gidi Kocha Releases Song Praising The Devil.

Over the past few years cases of music associated with devil worship has been on the rise.


And even though many people may find it hard to believe that devil worship exists it is actually a reality.


Veteran artist’s such as lady Gaga, Marilyn Manson , Jay-Z , Rihanna, Kanye west , have been long thought to be part of this saga



More over the new age breed of musicians such as Lil Uzi, Playboy Carti and the notorious Lil Nas x whose Montero song pays homage to satanism have joined the bandwagon.


Many may conceive the notion to belong to international music scene and not in the African music market but what many don’t know is that the craft is alive and well in the African soil .



The latest artist to join this juggernaut is none other Gidi Kocha with his new single ‘Mbona’ a song that raises more questions than answer, why you would ask ? Let me break it down for you.



Mbona is a well articulated song jotted down in swahili which strolls with Gidi Kocha as he seemingly to openly protest and question the power of his maker.


Generally Gidi Kocha ponders why people praise the Lord when it’s a well known fact that Satan owns every single worldly possession and that why’s money is deemed as the root of all evil, which to Gidi is owned by Lucifer himself.


The video is also a topic of another day as Gidi isn’t afraid to glorify witchcraft and vodooo


Despite the song containing such a shocking message his fans have received the song a warm reception.

I do not want to be the judge so I’ll let you listen and give me your opinions inthe comment section.

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